It is known that you should research a company before walking into an interview to help answer some of the interviewers’ questions. However, if you are looking to make a lasting impression on the hiring manager your research will need to go a little deeper. A little extra research never hurt, and this article helps you specifically identify what it is that you should be looking up.
1. The Skills a Company Values
The Job Description reveals the perfect candidate that the company is looking for. Reading this description will not only help you understand if you are the right fit but it can help tailor your interview to what the company is looking for. Do they want a leader, a hard worker, someone that fits in with the culture? The job description will reveal this. Read between the lines as it might not pop out, but it is in there. Re-reading this description repeatedly is crucial to understanding what the hiring manager is looking for in a candidate.
The “About us” section of the company’s website should also be read as it can reveal culture of a company and anything else they value whether that is community outreach, charities, etc. This research is also to see if you can or cannot see yourself working at this company.
2. Recent Events/Achievements within the Company
Going into an interview acknowledging a company’s latest achievement will help you make a good impression in your interview. The company’s website should reveal any latest news and should again be checked regularly before an interview as it can also reveal a company’s culture and values. Being up to date with the latest news will reveal that you are interested in the company and are well prepared for the interview. Saying a simple congratulations to a new achievement can go a long way.
3. Look up the Competitors
Knowing as much information about the company you are interviewing for is a must however, it is a good idea to also be knowledgeable about the industry as a whole and how that company competes with others. By researching how that company stands in the bigger picture you will be able to tailor your interview to how you would help the company exceed another or how you would keep them on top. This is just another way to really let the hiring manager know that you are doing in-depth research.
This information can easily be searched or through LinkedIn you are able to go to the company’s page and see other companies’ people have applied to. There are many different sources for you to find all this information.
4. Who is Interviewing You
It is extremely helpful for you to look for employees within the company but especially the interview team. This can help you establish if you have any common ground with the hiring manager. Maybe you went to the same school, worked at the same company at one point or are from the same area. Going in with any sort of connection will help make you memorable to the person interviewing you. If there is no connection between you and the interviewer simply knowing what their background is will also benefit you in an interview.
At the end of the day, you want to make sure you fit in with the company as well. If you can see yourself working at this company, then researching all these topics before an interview will significantly help you stand out to an interviewer. There is never too much preparation for an interview, so the more research done the better your chances are of landing that job!